Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Great Within

"The more deeply I go into myself, the more I am not myself,and yet this is the very heart of me. Here I find my own inner workings functioning of themselves, spontaneously, like the rotation of the heavenly bodies and the drifting of the clouds. Strange and foreign as this aspect of myself at first seems to be, I soon realize that it is me, and much more me than my superfical ego. This is not fatalism or determinism, because here is no longer anyone being pushed around or determined, there is nothing that this deep "I" is not doing. -- (Quotation from Alan Watts)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Your Natural State

Let's close our eyes and be open to the possibility that there's no one there, that there's simply awareness - silent, still, impersonal awareness -and whatever seems to be happening is arising in that. Just be the watcher...

Let your questions fall away and stop trying to work anything out. Drop everything, including the person who's been sitting on your shoulder and passing judgment on your life. Let there be no boundaries, just space... You are the stillness; you are the silence in which everything arises. -- (Quotation from Tony Parsons)